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Indiginous Heart-Medicine: KAKAO AS HEALING PLANT


Kakao is referred as “the food for the shift”. Raw kakao for ceremonial use contains high spiritual potential as a healing plant and helps for the growth of the soul and the solution of blockages in everyday life. The healing plant was used by shamans in past and present times as a magical aid to help people to experience more love in their life and to connect themselves with their potential, to get back to feeling and open up their senses. Kakao is aligning you back to harmony with the world and oneself thereby in the energetic flow of life. Kakao beans are also genuine “superfood” they contain many valuable nutrients and antioxidants. Kakao is a gentle medicinal plant and has no psychedelic effect, but is a heart-opening medicine and unfolds its full potential in communal, ceremonial use. Through meditation, energy work, singing together, sounding and dancing, a clearing and liberating energy is generated.


According to an indigenous myth, “whenever the balance between man and nature is threatened, the spirit of cacao comes out of the rainforest, to open the hearts of men and return the planet to a state of harmony.”

Magic of Kakao & Thetahealing®: AWAKENING OF THE DIVINE

The ceremonies will take place on different topics and will be mainly accompanied by ThetaHealing and other energy medicine. Dive deep into the theta brainwave, a state of deep relaxation. You will be gently guided into a magical inside journey. Accompanied by your intension, your present subjects in life can be reflected in the emotional level, in your heart. The connection as a circle in the ceremony will open up new depths of interpersonal connection. Together, we create a secure space in which all feelings can be completely there and we connect ourselves to the intuitive world. You will get impulses from the theta level for your energy system and you will experience the transformational power of the kakao spirit.


Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of an ancient, indigenous medicinal plant! Whose spirit as a great mother gently weights in our hearts.


* As preparation, it is important to eat little and light before the ceremonies. To let the full effectiveness of the medicinal plant come out, you should avoid animal food products, as well as sugar, salt, oil and above all, coffeine.

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