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Theta Circle

We are coming together in a online ceremony, meditating in a virtual circle.
The Theta circle unites the Thetahealing® meditation with different forms of shamanic meditation journey. You will travel through your subconscious mind and experience the 7 planes of existence and enter a deep state of relaxation in the light of the creator. There you are one with all that is. In this state of oneness, you will get deep impulses and downloads for your energy system. That will offer you the possibility to deepen your senses in everyday life and figure out your reality anew. You will travel through the illusion of “maya” that we are living in, to find ways of transformation for creating your reality as the director of your personal film. Your cells will be refreshed and you will have new energy for the upcoming week and more.

Each Theta Circle is channeled to the frequencies of the day and is a good chance to get to know the Thetahealing technique. The creator is guiding and Julia from Thetaflow is forming the bridge to communicate and send you with your permission the right impulses and downloads. She is leading the circle as a creative journey coming from the heart, that is each time different and it’s own special artwork.

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