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Seminars & events

Thetahealing® - Healers Mallorca


IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE: The ThetaHealing® technique offers you the chance to realign your life. You can work with the subconscious via the theta brain wave, the ideal state of our personality development. The causes of fears, blockages, diseases and complaints can be solved in the depths of the energy system. As a result, your life can be experienced anew in all areas. Be it more lightness in your being, more success in your professional life, more heart opening in your relationships, or more satisfaction with yourself. All this and much more possibilities gives you this effective and powerful spiritual philosophy, developed by Vianna Stibal in Montana, America. It is currently the healing technique that offers the most answers. In this way you can deeply understand life at all levels and create new nerve connections in your brain. Because we create our reality as a projection of our subconscious. One thing I can promise, my life has completely changed with this wonderful technique!


Thetahealing Seminars

BASIC DNA“, “ADVANCED DNA” and “DIG DEEPER” are the three basic seminars of the evolutionary ThetaHealing® technique from Vianna Stibal. The seminar “MANIFESTING & ABUNDANCE” is a further deepening of the technique on the topic of abundance in one’s life. In the basic training you will learn to put yourself into the frequency of the theta brain wave and you will experience the unconditional love of the creator. With the help of the theta brain wave, you can communicate with your subconscious in a state of deep relaxation, you can dissolve blockages in your life and consciously change your life. You will gain access to techniques through which you can communicate with the creator. So you get back the command in your life bit by bit! You can see the causes of blocking forces in your subconscious and empower yourself to make your being shine. Connect to your true, free essence by working with the theta wave. Be the director of your life and create a self-determined and happy life. After completing the basic DNA training you are able to start working with your clients. In addition, the THINK Institute creates an official ThetaHealing Practitioner Profile

And the very best: Theta Healing is big fun!
You are heartily invited to explore and rediscover reality playfully and full of joy in a seminar group together and to practice and exchange ideas in a new field.

Organize Thetahealing seminars

Theta Flow – Thetahealing® Seminars worldwide


Would you like to learn ThetaHealing and you can organize well? Do you have a good network? Would you like to bring seminars directly to your city? Or maybe in your dream location: beach, sun, palm trees, sea and ThetaHealing? Then you found the right teacher, as I love traveling and discovering the world!

Are you part of a spiritual community, have a yoga center or are part of a health center and are interested in including thetahealing seminars in the program? Do you see thetahealing courses as an enrichment for your company or do you simply want to earn something extra and have an environment interested in thetahealing? And what about thetahealing for children in schools?

Feel free to contact me with your wishes and ideas! I am happy to surf the flow of waves of the subconscious with you and to spread this wonderful method. Let us accompany as many people as possible in evolutionary quantum leaps.

All you need is a nice seminar room with enough chairs and a flip chart, an appropriate minimum number of participants, depending on the travel costs.

I am looking forward to your message with all my heart!

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